Untitled, around 70x100cm, pen & wall, 2011
無題,約70x100公分, 簽字筆 紙, 2011
2001-2011, around 100x250cm, pen & wall, 2011
2001-2011,約100x250公分, 簽字筆和牆, 2011
Untitled, around 240 x1500 cm, pen & wall, 2011
無題,約240x1500公分, 簽字筆 牆, 2011
Scrible, each 53 x37 cm,total 19 pieces, pen & paper, 2011
習作,單張53x37公分,共19張, 筆紙, 2011
Cactus IV, 70 x100 cm, ball-point pen & paper, 2010
Cactus IV,70 x100公分, 原子筆 紙, 2010
Fragment of memorable time, Each70×77cm, 75pieces, total3.5×10.55m, ball-point pen, 2010
屬於那些遺落的時光,1張70×77公分,共75張,全長約為3.5×10.55 公尺, 原子筆紙, 2010
Drawings, each 25 x25 cm, ball-point pen & paper, 2010
Drawings,每件25 x25公分, 原子筆 紙, 2010
Drawings, each 25 x 25 cm, ball-point pen & paper, 2010
Drawings,每件 25 x 25公分, 原子筆 紙, 2010
One of 40 Notebooks, each page18 x12 cm, ball-point pen & paper, 2005-2009
筆記本練習(其中一本),每頁18 x12公分,共約40本, 原子筆 紙, 2005-2009
Mr. E's world, Dimension variety, mix media, 2006
E君樂園,依場地而定, 複合媒材, 2006